Monday, March 26, 2007

My God is Sanjaya

Well here is where you come for all things Sanjaya. America can make fun of him all they want but I am joing the Sanjaya army. Not only will he make the Top 10 and sell out stadiums all over but I am predicting millions is sales of hair products all with Sanjaya's name.

I can not live without know what Sanjaya does and what he is about to sing. While he may not have the voice of the others he has that IT factor or as Randy always say the WOW (thank you O&A to all females who flash there computer then that see this) factor.

Sanjaya is the man (I think) that will bring love and hair styles to the world. Lets all pray to our star Sanjaya and root him on the Americal Idol victory. I will not be able to move on until I know he is out AMERICAN IDOL.

I mean it has only been a few weeks and he has really changed my world. I mean to be such a special, nice, caring and loving boy is enough for me.

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